SF City Supervisor, Eric Mar

Journalist, K.W. Lee

Congressman, Mike Honda

"Edelweiss" 같이 갑시다!

Congressman, Mike Honda

SF City Supervisor, Eric Mar

SF City Supervisor, Jane Kim

Julie Soo

Judge Lillian Sing and Julie Tang

Miho Lee

Proud Korean-American Awards

An outstanding contribution to promoting pride in our community. The Awards recognize significant contributions to improving the quality of life. This work may help many community members, confront social problems, address environmental concerns, or promote arts and humanities. Individuals or organizations who has made an outstanding contribution related with Korean-American community. 한국의 위상을 높이고, 한인 커뮤니티를 위해 가시적인 업적을 남긴 인물.

Best Community Leader Awards

individuals or organizations who perform excellence in leadership as demonstrated by outstanding initiative, impact of community, and inspiration of others. 다양한 한인 커뮤니티내에서 활발한 지도 및 봉사 활동으로 타의 모범이 되는 훌륭한 단체 혹은 인물.


  • 2016 01
    • I Love SF Journal
    • 정 한아름 - 국제 변호사
  • 2015 12
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  • 2014 07
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